Higher Education Recruiting Tips – Attracting Taiwanese Students

Promote Your Educational Programs Efficiently

Before you can start thinking about creating a master plan that will allow you to penetrate the Taiwanese market, you first need to understand your target audience – Taiwanese students. We are talking about young individuals that are interested in exploring the outside world of education. Maybe your school is exactly what they are looking for.


Learn More About Your TA’s Online Behavior

When it comes to higher education recruiting tips, one of the most important ones is to find out as much relevant information as possible about your target audience. When talking about the young generation of Taiwanese individuals that are open to studying abroad, an online marketing strategy will come in handy.

That’s because they spend most of their free time online. They want to talk to friends, they go on social media. They have to wait in line, they immediately reach for their phone and see what’s new on their social media news feed. They need to find a piece of information, they use their favorite search engine and check the top choices on the first search results page.


Taiwanese Students Enjoy English Materials

Most of them understand and know how to speak English, but not at an exceptional level. Although English ads and blog articles can prove to be incredibly useful, it would be great if you offered them a Mandarin alternative as well. This way, they can get all the answers they need in the same place. School marketing needs to take place both online and offline.

In the online world, they should be able to find all the information they are looking for without too much trouble. If they are interested in studying abroad, they will do a lot of research first. It is your job to ensure that relevant details regarding your educational programs and opportunities are available, visible and easy to understand on your website, blog & social media page.


Here Are Some Online Higher Education Recruiting Tips:

  1.    Start a general profile of the Taiwanese student and continue adding more information to it as soon as you learn more.
  2.    Work with a Taiwan-based marketing agency that knows what sort of tools to use for your school marketing strategy.
  3.    If something does not bring the results you are expecting, keep in mind that inbound marketing allows you to make changes for the better.
  4.    Maintain the information you offer students as relevant as possible.
  5.    Engage Taiwanese students every chance you get.

Relying on Digital Agent to guide you through this entire process is one of the best ideas you could have. We know what Taiwanese students need and how to help your school match their requirements. It all starts with a business proposal!

Take your digital marketing knowledge to the next level. Read more about enrollment management, social media & international schools here!

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